Lawschoolloans Newswire on Barton Fraud, Crdeit Understanding, HEA & PHEAA
Thursday, March 29 , 2007 |
Education Finance Partners Plans to Defend Itself in Lawsuit Filed by New York Attorney General |
By Brooke Heath  |
Last week in San Francisco, Education Finance Partners (EFP) responded to New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's formal notice to file suit against it by announcing that it is fully prepared to defend its practices.
Tamera Briones, Education Finance Partners' founder and chief executive, said, "[W]e were surprised and dismayed by the Attorney General's announcement that his office intends to file a lawsuit against Education Finance Partners."
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Sponsored by EdFed
Lawmakers Introduce the College Aid Made EZ Act
By Brooke Heath
Last week, key House lawmakers introduced a bill that would simplify the application that parents and students must complete to receive federal financial aid for college.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is, in its current state, a complex, five-page form. Lawmakers feel that this prevents students from applying for the federal financial aid they need to attend college.
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Study-Abroad Programs Provide Students with New Opportunities
By Heather Jung
 Law students should consider studying abroad. |
Every year, law students devote countless hours to studying and classes, leaving little time for travel. Study-abroad programs, however, provide students with the best of both worlds: the opportunity to study the law and the chance to visit a foreign country. Many ABA-approved law schools offer varieties of programs with wide ranges of topics and locations.
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New bill may simplify the FAFSA
The College Aid Made EZ Act, a bill sponsored by U.S. Representatives George Miller and Rahm Emanuel, would simplify the paperwork required for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Presently, to qualify for grants, loans, or aid offered by higher education institutions, students need to fill out an application consisting of 100 questions and more than five pages accompanied by three pages of instructions. Critics observe that, at times, students and their families avoid answering or fail to answer all of the questions, which results in their not receiving benefits for which they are eligible.
Proposed legislation may end marriage penalty on student loan deduction
Individual taxpayers are currently allowed a tax deduction of $2,500 in student loan interest. When married and filing a joint return, a couple is allowed the same deduction, even if both spouses have student debt. New legislation introduced by Congressman Lee Terry proposes an alteration of the U.S. Tax Code to end the marriage penalty. The Married Student Debt Relief Act would allow a deduction of $5,000 for married couples who file joint tax returns when both spouses are paying off student loans.
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